August 22, 2024

Seapost - August 2024

The latest e-newsletter from The Seafarers' Charity.

On Tuesday, 3 September, we will celebrate Merchant Navy Day, a day dedicated to honouring the men and women who serve or have served as merchant seafarers. For years, we have championed the campaign to Fly the Red Ensign, aiming to combat 'sea blindness' and highlight the vital role of those serving under the UK Flag. This year, we encourage you to join us in raising awareness and showing support by using our social media toolkit to promote Merchant Navy Day. Let’s come together to recognise and appreciate their crucial contributions.

In other news, the BBC documentary Disclosure – Slavery at Sea sheds light on the grim reality of modern-day slavery in the fishing industry. At The Seafarers’ Charity, we continue to work with our partners to address this issue. We urge you to watch the documentary, understand the pressing issues, and support our efforts to improve fishers’ welfare and combat modern-day slavery.

In this regard, we’re thrilled to announce that the International Fund for Fishing Safety (IFFS) has awarded its first grant to train fishing vessel safety auditors in South Africa and Namibia. This project, led by the Sea Safety Bee Trust, will develop a self-regulatory safety programme, enhancing safety management and compliance within the fishing industry in these regions.

We are also excited to invite you to the Annual National Service for Seafarers at St Paul’s Cathedral on 9 October 2024. This historic event, organised with Trinity House, celebrates the contributions of seafarers across all maritime professions and this year will also commemorate the RNLI's 200th anniversary. The service is free and open to all, so please register to attend and join us in honouring those who serve at sea.

Lastly, the Maritime Charities Group (MCG) has launched a new survey aimed at understanding the welfare needs of UK seafarers and shaping future support. This survey provides a valuable opportunity for seafarers to voice their concerns and help improve welfare services. Your input is crucial for tailoring support to meet the real needs of the maritime community.

Looking ahead to 2025, don’t miss the chance to challenge yourself and support seafarers and their families. We have limited charity places available for the London Marathon 2025 on 27 April and are also taking registrations of interest for our flagship event, the 24 Peaks Challenge, taking place in the Lake District from 5-6 July. For more details and to secure your place, visit our website or contact our events team.

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