In 2023, The Seafarers’ Charity awarded £2.4m in grants to 50 organisations supporting seafarers in need and their families.

Our grant funding supports frontline organisations and projects that provide essential help for seafarers and their families in crisis. Each grant application is assessed against our core goals to ensure the support provided to ensure that your donations go to where the need is greatest.

See the below list to find grants awarded in the last three years.

Does your organisation or project work to provide support for seafarers in need and their families? See if you’re eligible for a grant to help you.

See if you're eligible for a grant

Port Skills and Safety Ltd

Funding to employ an individual part time for one year, to develop safety guidance and information for fishing ports. To ensure that the safety lessons learnt, and best practice developed in other port sectors can be learned by fishing ports to improve the safety of fishers accessing UK ports.

Amount awarded: £49,614

Fishing into the Future (FITF)

Funding to support fisher’s participation in the Fisheries Resource Education Programme (FREP) workshops by providing them with stipends for travel, accommodation and meal costs.

Amount awarded: £23,375

The National Federation of Fishermen's Organisations

Funding for the production of the next three FISH SAFE films in the planned series, addressing critical safety gaps in the UK commercial fishing industry due to the persistently high rate of fatalities and severe injuries among fishermen.

Amount awarded: £14,000

Bruno Peek Pageantmaster Ltd.

Sponsorship of a branded Ceremonial Torch and Carrying Case, one of many to be lit to commemorate the 80th Anniversary of D-Day at 9.15pm, 6th June 2024.

Amount awarded: £7,200

The White Ensign Association

Donation to the White Ensign Association’s (WEA) Maritime Seminar on “The Impact of the War in the Ukraine on Global Maritime.”

Amount awarded: £1,000

The Tyne Mariners' Benevolent Institution

Funding towards renovations at retired seafarers’ accommodation in North Shields, Tynemouth to meet new fire regulations and fix leaking roofs.

Amount awarded: £50,000

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We're committed to transparency

The Seafarers’ Charity is committed to transparency and we work with 360Giving to publish information about our grants. See our Publisher profile on 360Giving, where you will be able to download grants awarded since 2017.

See our 360Giving profile